Malaysia's Olympiad Team Ranking vs The Rest of Asia

Malaysian was ranked a historically lowly 134th from 180 teams in the world at the World Chess Olympiad held from 1-14 September in Baku, Azerbaijan, but how well did we do relative to the rest of Asia and our neighbours in ASEAN?

Asia Team Rankings

1st India
2nd China
3rd Iran
4th Kazakhstan
5th Australia
6th Uzbekistan
7th Vietnam
8th Qatar
9th Turkmenistan
10st Mongolia
11th Indonesia
12th Philippines
13th Singapore
14th Japan
15th Bangladesh
16th Kyrgyzstan
17th Tajikistan
18th UAE
19th Chinese Taipei
20th Iraq
21st New Zealand
22nd Pakistan
23rd Myanmar
24th Sri Lanka
25th Bahrain
26th Palestine
27th Lebanon
28th Mauritius
29th Saudi Arabia
30th Syria
31st Thailand
32nd Nepal
33rd South Korea
34th Kuwait
35th Oman
36th Macau
37th Malaysia
38th Afghanistan
39th Brunei
40th Guam
41st Hong Kong
42nd Maldives
43rd Fiji
44th Papua New Guinea
45th Palau

Yes, 37th from 45 teams. Now even behind the likes of  Chinese Taipei, Palestine, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, Nepal. South Korea, Kuwait, Oman and Macau! Luckily still ahead of Afghanistan, Guam, Hong Kong, Maldives, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Palau.

ASEAN Ranking

1st Vietnam
2nd Indonesia
3rd Philippines
4th Singapore
5th Myanmar
6th Thailand
7th Malaysia
8th Brunei

We are 7th from 8 teams, with only Brunei is behind us (should we be grateful that Cambodia and Laos have never participated?).

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